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Here are three races to watch in Arizona’s primary election on August 4.
Several new studies are deepening our understanding of infection and transmission in kids, but there’s still a lot we don’t know.
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Rep. Rashida Tlaib is facing off against a Democratic primary challenger on Tuesday.
Murders are up in big cities this summer. Here are seven possible reasons why.
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Polls: Biden and Trump are nearly tied in North Carolina and Georgia
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The TikTok-Microsoft-Trump drama, explained
Trump says he isn’t banning the app — for now — because he’s open to having Microsoft buy it instead.
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Who’s “Karen?” And what’s BIPOC?
A Washington Post columnist named Karen explains her feelings about “Karen.” A University of Arizona linguist named Sonja explains BIPOC and the capitalization of “Black” and “White.”
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Why QAnon is here to stay
QAnon was born and perpetuated on the internet. What is it and why is it dangerous?